Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs |
About the LFMCThe Louisiana Federation of Music Clubs, a member of the National Federation of Music Clubs, is an organization which consists of nineteen localized Senior Clubs, and some 270 plus Junior Clubs in five regions across Louisiana. Federated in 1928, LFMC's goals are to promote American music and musicians, to aid and encourage music education, and to develop and maintain the highest standards of musical creativity and performance. In addition to conducting the local NFMC-sanctioned Junior Festivals featuring almost 3,000 Louisiana Junior members annually, and the guidance of young artists in competition for the many national and state scholarships, competitions and awards, some of LFMC's most exciting activities range from celebrating the American Music Month of November and National Music Week in May to direct community involvement and the support of young artists in their endeavors. Other opportunities include: Crusade for Strings, Founders' Day, Music for the Blind, Music in Poetry, Folk Music, Choral Music, Music Outreach, Sacred Music, Opera, Music in Schools and Colleges, and Chamber Music.